Eftekhar Hossain

:wave: Bio: Hi, I'm Eftekhar, currently an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) at Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Bangladesh. Before that, I was a Lecturer in Dept. of EEE at Premier University, Bangladesh. Previously, I did my MSc (2023) and BSc (2018) in ETE from CUET. I am also a research member of CUET NLP Lab and have had the privilege to work with a sage-like Omar Sharif.

🌲Research Interests: My primary research interest lies at the intersection of machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. Specifically, I try to develop resources and computational models for Multilingual NLP. Currently, my research focuses on Multimodality in machine learning. I am trying to develop techniques to effectively integrate the information of multiple modalities (i.e., image, text) and jointly evaluate them to solve complex language and vision problems. Besides, I am enthusiastic about exploring how we can distill the knowledge of high-resource languages to develop or improve the efficiency of computational tools for resource-constrained languages.


20 Jan, 24 🔥✨ One paper on Multimodal accepted at main track of EACL'24. [Paper] [Code]
17 Jan, 24 📢 One paper on Hateful Memes accepted at EACL-SRW-2024. [Paper] [Code]
28 Aug, 23 Wins 20k BDT Prize for Best Research Publication at Research Fair 2023, Organized by CUET. [Certificate]
07 June, 23 Successfully defended my master's thesis. [Thesis] [Slide]
21 Feb, 23 Conducted a training on Bangla Language Processing organized by CUET IT Bussiness Incubator. [Certificate]
19 Feb, 23 Successfully organized two NLP Competition ( Task 1 , Task 2 ) as a part of CLBLP, 2023.
27 Oct, 22 Presented two papers (paper-1, paper-2) at ICO-2022 (Springer).
21 Oct, 22 Successfully organized a NLP Competition as a part of ETE DecaHertz, 2022.
19 Oct, 22 Conducted a training on Machine Learning with Python organized by CUET IT Bussiness Incubator. [Certificate]
14 Oct, 22 One paper on Multimodal accepted at AACL-SRW-2022. :smile:
3 July, 22 Give a speech on Understanding Social Media Beyond Texts at the Seminar on Role of NLP in ERA of 4IR. [Slide]
2 July, 22 Successfully conducted a training on AI and Machine Learning with Python organized by CUET IT Bussiness Incubator. [Certificate] | [Code & Slides]
17 June, 22 One paper (MSc Thesis) accepted at Journal of KSU-Computer and Information Sciences.[IF: 8.839]
19 Apr, 22 One paper accepted at IEEE Access Journal.[IF: 3.367]
6 Apr, 22 One paper accepted at CONSTRAINT@ACL-2022.
4 Apr, 22 One paper on Multimodal accepted at LREC-2022 main conference. :sparkles: :smile:
26 Mar, 22 Four shared task papers (Emotion, Troll, Multimodal, Abusive) accepted at ACL-2022 workshops.
15 Feb, 21 Three shared task papers (Hope, Offensive, Multimodal) accepted at EACL-2021.